Cloud Software

Car Rental Software feature that makes your server redundant

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Cloud Software


Throw your on premise server in the trash-bin

Cloud based software is much cheaper than on premise. Not only you don't have to invest in a server, you also don't need to upgrade yourself anymore.


Improved Data Security

Reduce the chance of a security breache

Cloud service providers take care of the data security as a daily job. Hence, the data security is generally much better than an on premise application. In addition, we take security measures our side.



It will never be slow

Cloud software is generally much faster as you can simply scale up the performance with a few clicks.


Automated updates

We manage your updates

It can happen that an update needs to be reverted due to an unforeseen bug. Imagine that we have to ask all clients to revert such update before we can actually deploy a new one. This would take ages. Not with cloud based auto-update features.


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Sneak Peek of our Rental Software


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